David Pelayo

Results 28 comments of David Pelayo

@planetflash can you provide with jsfiddle plunkr or similar to compare both?

@planetflash, @tghamm, thanks for reporting. I've added [ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md](https://github.com/angular-ui/angular-google-maps/blob/master/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md) so there explains how to report a potential bug better. Please provide detailed info, as per the ISSUE_TEMPLATE, including jsbins/plunkr/jsfiddle in order...

Is this going to be merged anytime soon?

Updating my raised issue. I've found the SQL string format you need to provide, after googling a bit, [here](https://www.calhoun.io/connecting-to-a-postgresql-database-with-gos-database-sql-package/), looking at this example: ```go func main() { psqlInfo := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s...

@belek for now I created it manually and `chown`'ed to my user. @rootsongjc there will be a PR now with the ENVS.

I've installed the version 2019.3.5 and worked like a charm. Some colleagues have told me the version 2020.1/2 works but: - Performance degradation might be noticeable. The IDE needs to...

You would probably need to run your api project with the `-m` parameter, to run it in mock mode. See [this](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-node/blob/3a000dcc7d0c3c907b60dc0f3efc8e04a3cb3b04/bin/swagger-project.js#L67).

I just detected this error a few minutes ago when running my continuous integration job which executes end-to-end tests at Browserstack. I can confirm this happens right now. Is there...

I pressume is an issue with Grunt files management, right? http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks#options

@stephanoapiolaza where is the PR? Willing to see it