David McCreery
David McCreery
This podspec is still creating conflicts with Pods using FMDB 2.5 including SpatialDBKit. Could we bump up the FMDB version?
Thank you for the fast reply. HTML and CSS would be great, but as long as it plays nicely with jQuery I would be happy. An ideal solution would be...
You could make this my birthday _and_ Christmas gift this year.
> Just the HTML and CSS, or JS to go with it for specific implementations? I know you have a lot of other components to focus on right now, but...
> So > Chip Style > Icon on the front > Text label > optional close button/icon > optional checkbox state? Yes! I think that's it.
I saw this issue is closed... Should I give up on my dream of treemaps with this library?
OK. Just gave it a thumbs up.
Love the design work so far... my only comment is that chips should have a container so that they wrap. The container should also have an option for placeholder text....