bootstrap copied to clipboard
Add chips
I know this has been nixed a few times, but the time is right to add chips to the UI toolbox. Would make life a lot easier for forms development.
Just the HTML and CSS, or JS to go with it for specific implementations?
Thank you for the fast reply.
HTML and CSS would be great, but as long as it plays nicely with jQuery I would be happy.
An ideal solution would be one that would store an ID, so that you could have a contact chip that displays the person's name while holding their email address.
You could make this my birthday and Christmas gift this year.
i believe the "close" button needs JS and looks like he works as a checkbox like buttons with toggle state
Is there anything I can do to help? Or is this all under control? Awesome idea!
Just the HTML and CSS, or JS to go with it for specific implementations?
I know you have a lot of other components to focus on right now, but I'd love to find this under the Christmas tree.
So Chip Style Icon on the front Text label optional close button/icon optional checkbox state?
So Chip Style Icon on the front Text label optional close button/icon optional checkbox state?
Yes! I think that's it.
I think I can work on that.
Any updates to this?
I couldn't do it. Can someone else take it up
Had a go at making what could be the design document for the chip component.
<span class="chip bg-primary">Primary</span>
<span class="chip bg-secondary">Secondary</span>
<span class="chip bg-success">Success</span>
<span class="chip bg-danger">Danger</span>
<span class="chip bg-warning text-dark">Warning</span>
<span class="chip bg-info text-dark">Info</span>
<span class="chip bg-light text-dark">Light</span>
<span class="chip bg-dark">Dark</span>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-primary">Primary</chip>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-secondary">Secondary</chip>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-success">Success</chip>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-danger">Danger</chip>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-warning">Warning</chip>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-info">Info</chip>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-light">Light</chip>
<chip class="chip chip-outline-dark">Dark</chip>
<span class="chip">Primary</span>
<span class="chip chip-rounded">Primary</span>
<span class="chip chip-primary chip-lg">Large chip</span>
<span class="chip chip-secondary chip-lg">Large chip</span>
<span class="chip chip-primary">Default chip</span>
<span class="chip chip-secondary">Default chip</span>
<span class="chip chip-primary chip-sm">Small chip</span>
<span class="chip chip-secondary chip-sm">Small chip</span>
With icon
<span class="chip chip-primary">
<i class="bi bi-emoji-smile"></i>
<span class="chip chip-primary">
<i class="bi bi-x-circle"></i>
With icon and closable
<span class="chip chip-primary">
<i class="bi bi-emoji-smile"></i>
<i class="bi bi-x-circle"></i>
<span class="chip chip-primary chip-selected">
<i class="bi bi-envelope-fill"></i>
<i class="bi bi-x-circle"></i>
<span class="chip chip-primary">
<i class="bi bi-envelope-fill"></i>
<i class="bi bi-x-circle"></i>
With link
<span class="chip chip-primary">
<i class="bi bi-envelope-fill"></i>
<a href="/" style="color: inherit;">View Item</a>
<i class="bi bi-x-circle"></i>
Hey @mdo , i would like like give this a try. Please tell me that this is still needed.
Love the design work so far... my only comment is that chips should have a container so that they wrap. The container should also have an option for placeholder text. Like if a person is typing, the inputs can be added as chips.