David Stone

Results 9 issues of David Stone

- [ ] Conditional Iteration - [ ] `each` tag - [x] Iteration filter or hold a local variable of the `each` expression to save repeating - [x] Interpolation in...

I'd like to add a processing instruction to the xml, specifically a stylesheet: `` I've had a good look around the code but I can't a way of doing it...

* *is this issue currently blocking your project?* (yes/no): no * *is this issue affecting a production system?* (yes/no): no #### Context * *node version*: 12-14 * *module version*: 17...


#### Context * *node version*: 12 * *module version*: 17.4.2 The [docs](https://joi.dev/api/?v=17.4.2#stringpatternbase) for `string.pattern.base` `string.pattern.name` `string.pattern.invert.base` `string.pattern.invert.name` states the additional context properties contain a `pattern` key. The key that is...


No more checked={isChecked ? 'checked': null} checked={isChecked} for attributes checked/disabled/hidden...

Hi @nlf This isn't an issue with blankie per-se, more its dependencies but I thought I'd raise it with you and that you'd be interested. The problem comes from the...

Hi bastiste. I really like this library. Awesome work. I've been looking for a library like this, one which doesn't watch for changes to the model, virtual dom based and...

It would be nice to be able to configure this extension in the same way we can in the User Delegated Administration extension by allowing a custom CSS file, title,...


Hi @mardix - nice library. I really like the API. I've been playing around with it though and I can't get nested components to work correctly. Can you see if...