David Fowler

Results 461 comments of David Fowler

Just write an IHostedService and write the async logic in StartAsync

In .NET 6, you can just write async code in the top level statement 😄

You're not gonna change my mind on this advice. I have no problem helping to clarify things but the extreme stances and language is provided to the 98% case and...

We should show the usage of `Task.Factory.StartNew` as well.

Feel free to send a PR 😄 , I don't disagree.

@passuied Just saw this. This is a tricky one. If you want to remove the entry from the dictionary when it fails then you might need something like GetOrAddAsync (https://gist.github.com/davidfowl/3dac8f7b3d141ae87abf770d5781feed#file-concurrentdictionaryextensions-cs-L53).

Good one! Even though FileStream is still a disaster when it comes to async IO