
Results 15 comments of David

I'm not an expert in the ZIP format, but I guess the file access times (https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT) are changing and thereby messing up the checksum. Would it be an option the...

My [proof of concept](https://gist.github.com/david0/c5bdfc68bc48565bb22d). I also noticed that file access times etc. are stored in an optional field "extra". It is possible to omit this field when creating zip files...

@Seldaek must be some difference on your system (with atime). I updated the poc and included my testfiles. ``` $ shasum *.zip 689595f5f847e9edc4c01fb2c81a17472f009df5 testdata1_extra.zip 0911f01200a2a9a0b7f251b7308fcbe3a18c8f56 testdata2_extra.zip 312d94af3ac4c929169e5e515b53ee69be4b1e1c testdata3_noextra.zip 312d94af3ac4c929169e5e515b53ee69be4b1e1c testdata4_noextra.zip...

The central directory structure seems the be a repetition of the file headers for random access. I updated the poc once again and now I get same hashes for testdata...

Ok, I'll try. It looks like this will be the first timer reported by an pattern itself. That leads to some challanges. Do you have an idea on how to...

Thanks for your reply. I would have agreed, but I asked internally and the GID != 0 requirement is coming from the [NSA Hardening Guide For Kuberenetes, PDF Page 55](https://media.defense.gov/2021/Aug/03/2002820425/-1/-1/0/CTR_Kubernetes_Hardening_Guidance_1.1_20220315.PDF)...

I was not yet successful reproducing that problem with a smaller test. I changed our code to always use a fresh LDAPConnection and -since then- it is stable. Will it...

I tested your commit from master with out old code again, unfortunately still I get the server down. Looking deeper at our code I can now say that we only...

The webservice that I'm trying to connect will return a JSON list of strings (with doublequotes): `["foo", "bar"]` `connect_get_namespaced_service_proxy_with_path(name, namespace, path="actuator")` will return a `str` with the value `['foo', 'bar']`...

I got the same problem and created a minimal sample: https://github.com/david0/spring-datamongodb-issue-3969 (Straight from spring initializr, downgraded to spring 2.7.18, added io.swagger.parser.v3:swagger-parser:2.1.16)