spring-data-mongodb copied to clipboard
CustomConversions Warning on org.springframework.boot V.2.6.3
Hello friend. I'm trying to use spring boot version 2.6.3, spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive 2.6.3, spring data mongodb 3.3.1
I got warning as following:
2022-02-18 08:37:56.553 WARN 30620 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.data.convert.CustomConversions : Registering converter from class java.time.LocalDateTime to class org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as reading converter although it doesn't convert from a store-supported type! You might want to check your annotation setup at the converter implementation.
Any fix, I really appreciate.
Best Regards.
Can you provide a minimal sample that reproduces the problem?
I got the same problem and created a minimal sample: https://github.com/david0/spring-datamongodb-issue-3969 (Straight from spring initializr, downgraded to spring 2.7.18, added io.swagger.parser.v3:swagger-parser:2.1.16)