Dave Coleman
Dave Coleman
Closes https://github.com/dbader/photosorter/issues/6
Also clear() function for ParallelPlan I'm using this to easily benchmark a dual thread experience planner against a planning-from-scratch planner that runs two instances on separate threads for fair computation...
I'm doing task planning with CompoundStates and am explicitly using that type within my code to prevent confusion with other locations in my code that use a different type of...
As described. I'm using this with the SPARS algorithm
@rhaske updated the kinematics API in Melodic, this fixes deprecation warnings > ros.moveit_core.kinematics_base: IK plugin for group 'manipulator' relies on deprecated API. Please implement initialize(RobotModel, ...). I also submitted this...
Fixes 'Kinematics solver doesn't support #attempts anymore, but only a timeout.' See also https://github.com/fmauch/universal_robot/pull/2
I just started using the UR5 and found the README.md on this repo first, and was left with some questions until I also found the wiki tutorial which is more...
Currently the README build instructions ask us to clone [fmauch/universal_robot](https://github.com/fmauch/universal_robot), which is a branch in a fork of a fork. I'd like to submit a fix to this repo but...
Andreas ten Pas (@atenpas) has released an excellent ROS library called [GPD](http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/helpinghands/code.html) for detecting grasp poses in point clouds using the [Caffe](http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/) deep learning framework and PCL. However there is...