I see what you mean. In order to help you I'm going to need a Home Assistant log file, please set you logger settings [like this](https://github.com/davesmeghead/visonic/wiki#logger-settings) in your HA configuration.yaml...
So first of all I've looked at the event log issue. The data format from your panel is very different to the format that I expect and I do not...
I've kept going back to it over the past week or so and I can't work out a pattern to decode the date and time. Extracting these 3 data packets...
Thanks for spotting that and for the info, it's very much appreciated. I recently bought a PowerMaster 30 Panel from Ebay and was planning to take a proper look at...
I'm assuming that this issue is fixed as no further feedback. Thanks @nlrb
Hi, There isn't a direct way that I or anyone else have found as far as I know. I keep looking at other visonic integrations that people have done for...
Hi, The S00 is a siren yes, but the information you've seen is from the download of the EPROM and as far as I know there are no messages for...
Hi, Sorry but I've been really busy with familly life and work this past week or so. I've taken a long look through your log file and I can't spot...
Hi, For the siren and keyfob battery status I do not process either of these at the moment as I do not know where the message data is located, the...
Capture a log file and upload it to pastebin with a link and I'll take a look. The log file I need is after the reboot of HA when the...