Rohan Pawar

Results 9 issues of Rohan Pawar

Is there any way to Snacky on top of the screen?

I have installed `goto` on my Mac whenever i fire `cmd-shift-r` or `cmd-alt-down` Atom hangs, and i have to force close it. `cmd-r` works well.

Github source has `clearValue()` function ``` public void setValue(@NonNull String value) { String regex = "[0-9]*"; // Allow empty string to clear the fields fromSetValue = true; if (inputType ==...

Updated ExoPlayer lib replaced deprecated methods

This is my code ``` ("myMethodName", new Object[]{values}, new ResultListener() { @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { } } ``` at onSuccess i am getting result with two double quotes...


Getting error _**" Failed to connect to {url here}"**_ this error not occurred on Android Marshmallows Device Nexus 5x; Android version 7.1.2

I was getting this error _'Program type already present:'?_ **Solution** ``` Kotlin KTS implementation("com.github.salahamassi:android-mask-date-editText:v1.02"){ exclude(group = "", module = "listenablefuture") } Non KTS implementation("com.github.salahamassi:android-mask-date-editText:v1.02"){ exclude group: '', module: 'listenablefuture'...

Updated RxJava to RxJava 2 in core rx-contact lib Added Read contact permission in example Added lambda support in example app