Darren Tsai

Results 7 issues of Darren Tsai

Hi, I'm using your algorithm to align 2 lidars which have a 110 degree FOV each. There is an overlap region between the two lidars of around 20 degrees and...

Hi, Thanks for your work. I was trying to reproduce your work on the KITTI shape completion. I retrained the pcn_emd on the shapenet_car dataset provided with the following arguments:...

**Checklist** 1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help. 2. The bug has not been fixed in the latest version. **Describe the bug** mmcv versions are...

Hi, I managed to successfully train a model on waymo data using your provided [config](https://github.com/yifanzhang713/IA-SSD/blob/main/tools/cfgs/waymo_models/IA-SSD.yaml) with used_feature_list: [x,y,z,intensity,elongation] however, when I tried with [x,y,z] only (and all other configurations the...

Hi, thanks for your work with this dataset. I'm currently working on lidar data in the ONCE training split dataset downloaded from [here](https://once-for-auto-driving.github.io/download.html). There are 4961 labelled out of 9977...

Hi thanks for your models, I was wondering how many epochs did you train your models on for this dataset?

### Issues Policy acknowledgement - [X] I have read and agree to submit bug reports in accordance with the [issues policy](https://www.github.com/mlflow/mlflow/blob/master/ISSUE_POLICY.md) ### Where did you encounter this bug? Local machine...
