
Results 158 comments of darkdragon-001

@luckyrat Sorry for the delay, but I send you an email to discuss the details!

@luckyrat Any news? I am using my changes daily since end of April in Ubuntu without any problems!

When this is removed (what I think is okay), then logging functionality should be introduced instead.

@photonometric: I [commented](https://sourceforge.net/p/keepass/feature-requests/2268/#ce8f) on your issue, although it is already closed. I suggested to make the `GetWebProxy()` method public to use @navossoc's approach without _hacking_. I also submitted a [patch](https://sourceforge.net/p/keepass/patches/107/)....

I [implemented a version which uses the `IOConnection` class](https://github.com/darkdragon-001/KeePass-Favicon-Downloader/commit/5dc9d6bec7ccdb5ea03aecc954b918521a577798) as suggested by Dominik. This still needs some more error checking and I have to find out about redirects, cookies and...

One should not just ignore/circumvent certificate issues! Anyways, [I used `IOConnection` API from KeePass to obey system-wide settings](https://github.com/darkdragon-001/KeePass-Favicon-Downloader/commit/5dc9d6bec7ccdb5ea03aecc954b918521a577798). Then certificate checking can be disabled via _Tools_ > _Options_ > _Advanced_...

I improved error handling [in my fork](https://github.com/darkdragon-001/KeePass-Favicon-Downloader/commit/95d634f5786cf955dcf4d2a780a7d0d8df5ad255). Now error messages should contain more information which part actually failed.

@tengwar Just install the package mono-complete ;)

I tried to get the Linux version working. But for some reason, it doesn't accept my generated `.plgx` file. In order to generate it, I copy `HtmlAgilityPack.dll`, `KeePassFaviconDownloader.csproj` and `Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs`...

I got things working in my [fork](/darkdragon-001/KeePass-Favicon-Downloader/tree/linux). Only some meta files need to be improved by stylistic means. Can someone with Debian package experience have a look, please?