
Results 10 comments of kautism

Use ribtoks's fork https://github.com/ribtoks/gform or my fork https://github.com/darkautism/gform

Hi all, I create a platform which can running program in platformIO. The code is here. https://github.com/darkautism/pio-lgt8fx Just clone this repository into your `%USER%\.platformio\platforms\`

@seisfeld It does not support now. Maybe next version.

@seisfeld An example setting ``` ini ; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ;...

Hi @facchinm , I fix linux cross compile for windows.

Hi @facchinm , Native linux binary build in docker fixed. I do not have Mac OSX so i cannot test this build target.

It seems d80c6b83c5e301d2aaf8c940e28d2700caf17c54 and #19 is same issue.

This program do not have change timezone feature. Maybe you can try to change your computer timezone. After finished copy and edit trophy, you can change back to real timezone.