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PlatformIO support?

Open ameeuw opened this issue 4 years ago • 13 comments

Hi dbuezas - great work on integrating all the parts of this chip for the Arduino IDE - it works perfectly! As I am doing most of my projects in PlatformIO my question is whether it is possible to port the board definitions over?

Maybe someone else has experience and could chime in how much work this requires.

Thanks again. Best, Arne.

ameeuw avatar Jan 29 '20 09:01 ameeuw

Hey ameeuw! I've used vscode with the arduino extension until now. I'll try platformio after vacations and see if I can add this core to the supported boards. Thanks for the issue :)

dbuezas avatar Jan 30 '20 08:01 dbuezas

Hi. Any progress?

kostyamat avatar Feb 28 '20 22:02 kostyamat

two way worked with platformio

defined boards and pcakge in project

  1. edit platform.json to add lgt package support add framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f to the file %platformio_home%.platforms\atmelavr\platform.json "framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f": { "type": "framework", "optional": true, "version": "~3.6.3" }
  2. add borads support file add borads dir to project dir and add boards_support.json in it, such as lgt8fx8p.json file example here boards
  3. edit project platformio.ini [env:lgt8f] platform = atmelavr board = lgt8fx8ps20 ;LGT8F328P-LQFP48 MiniEVB framework = arduino platform_packages = framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f @ https://github.com/maxgerhardt/Larduino_HSP.git

defined boards and package global

  1. same
  2. edito platform.json add custom url to download framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f archives file "packageRepositories": [ "https://dl.bintray.com/platformio/dl-packages/manifest.json", "http://dl.platformio.org/packages/manifest.json", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eerimoq/simba/master/make/platformio/manifest.json", { "framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f": [ { "url": "https://yoursite.com/path/framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f-3.6.3.zip", "sha1": "your file sha1 code", "version": "3.6.3", "system": "*" } ] } ]

note there is a package.json file in this archives file { "name": "framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f", "description": "Arduino Wiring-based Framework (AVR Core, 1.6)", "url": "https://github.com/LGTMCU/Larduino_HSP/", "version": "3.6.3" } the archives file directory structure:

  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/bootloaders
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/cores
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/libraries
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/sketches
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/variants
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/boards.txt
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/package.json
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/platform.txt
  • framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f/programmers.txt
  1. add borads support file to %platformio_home%.platforms\atmelavr\boards

after added global boards, when create platformio project can choose it

more info see Custom Development Platforms and Custom Embedded Boards

featherfly avatar Apr 10 '20 17:04 featherfly

Hi all, I create a platform which can running program in platformIO. The code is here. https://github.com/darkautism/pio-lgt8fx

Just clone this repository into your %USER%\.platformio\platforms\

darkautism avatar Apr 17 '20 07:04 darkautism

@darkautism Does your code support the change of clock source and clock speed?

seisfeld avatar Apr 17 '20 07:04 seisfeld

@seisfeld It does not support now. Maybe next version.

darkautism avatar Apr 17 '20 08:04 darkautism

That would be nice, because running the chip at 32Mhz breaks certain Arduino libraries. The change to external clock source is also beneficial in certain cases.

seisfeld avatar Apr 17 '20 08:04 seisfeld


An example setting

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
;   Build options: build flags, source filter
;   Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
;   Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
;   Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html

platform = lgt8f
board = LGT8F328P
framework = arduino

;internal clock

Example code:

#include <Arduino.h>
void setup() {
  #if ((F_CPU) == 1000000)
  #warning F_CPU = 1MHz
  #elif ((F_CPU) == 2000000)
  #warning F_CPU = 2MHz
  #elif ((F_CPU) == 4000000)
  #warning F_CPU = 4MHz
  #elif ((F_CPU) == 8000000)
  #warning F_CPU = 8MHz
  #elif ((F_CPU) == 16000000)
  #warning F_CPU = 16MHz
  #elif ((F_CPU) == 32000000)
  #warning F_CPU = 32MHz

  #if ((CLOCK_SOURCE) == 1)
  Serial.println("internal clock");
  #elif ((CLOCK_SOURCE) == 2)
  Serial.println("external clock");


// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {

Example output:

--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at http://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters
--- Miniterm on COM8  9600,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
internal clock

darkautism avatar Apr 17 '20 09:04 darkautism

Parallel to that, some also integrated this core in PIO another way: https://github.com/rick3rt/framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f

And also I integrated the original chinese Larduino core (v3.6c version): https://github.com/maxgerhardt/larduino-pio and https://github.com/maxgerhardt/Larduino_HSP

Seems like we should combine our efforts to get one best version officially integrated into PlatformIO 😅

maxgerhardt avatar May 08 '20 15:05 maxgerhardt

I'd welcome a PR on this :) I use VSCode with the Arduino extension. It is probably better that I don't diverge too much from the Arduino IDE since most users go that route.

dbuezas avatar Jul 21 '20 19:07 dbuezas

The "Arduino Core" repository are separate from the "PlatformIO Platform" repository; The core files never contain any of the needed Python logic and JSON packaging descriptions for PIO. For example https://github.com/platformio/platform-ststm32 is the PlatformIO platform logic (available board descriptions, compilation logic, uploading logic, packages like compilers and uploads, ..) while https://github.com/stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32 is only 1 of like 4 underlying repos where the core / framework is sourced from.

So really this repo is fine already, but there shouldn't be different divergent PlatformIO integrations for this core with differing board or configuration settings.

maxgerhardt avatar Jul 21 '20 22:07 maxgerhardt

I also tried to use your core in Platform.io today.

There is just one file missing in your distribution - the package.json

So I just added this file to the zip!

    "name": "framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f",
    "description": "dbuezas's LGT Core",
    "url": "https://github.com/rick3rt/framework-arduino-avr-lgt8f",
    "version": "1.0.6"

After that I added this section to the platformio.ini of my project in order to use your core as the framework-lgt8x. If you add this file to the release zip in the future it will be possible to just use a http reference to your file directly.

platform = lgt8f
board = LGT8F328P
board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L
board_build.clock_source = 1
framework = arduino
platform_packages = framework-lgt8fx@file:///Users/xfjx/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/TonUINO/lgt8f-1.0.6.zip

xfjx avatar Dec 27 '20 21:12 xfjx

Has this been corrected in later releases? @xfjx can you verify?

dwillmore avatar Jan 12 '23 20:01 dwillmore