Results 12 issues of johannes

previously, the abspath() of server.wsgi was added to the python import path. abspath() however only cleans up the given path string, with no filesystem interaction like resolving symlinks etc. some...

some window managers (i verified for openbox) have a mechanism to replace the previously running window manager using some kind of signalling to the previous window manager. i think the...

Previously that was only done for comments on polls.

supporting server-initiated notifications (standardized keeping one/multiple connections to the server open) using [IMAP IDLE]( or [IMAP NOTIFY]( extensions would be helpful, although it's not a very high priority for me...

this is just one part of the story (as described in #67), but it seems to me that one piece of the puzzle would improve the situation already. would you...

# problem the `chomp::parsers::string` parser (and possibly others internally using `consume_while`) might force unnecessary stream `read`s. example code: ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate chomp; use chomp::prelude::*; use chomp::buffer::{Source, Stream}; use std::net::TcpStream;...

currently packages are built by copying files into a `DEBIAN` directory and calling `dpkg-deb -b` on it. some tasks that are repeated over many of the `` scripts that would...

for (at least some of the) config files installed, we could do without `dpkg-divert`ing the original config for our own by using `.conf.d` subdirectories, one example being the pulse `daemon.conf`...

- ubuntu 17.04 has chtrt5645.conf in [libasound2-data]( - ubuntu 16.04's libasound2-data [doesn't yet have it]( so to avoid hacks like the one in `gpdpocket-audio/files/DEBIAN/postinst`, there could be separate packages for...

Fix some warnings, use `?` operator instead of `try!` macro.