Darij Grinberg
Darij Grinberg
Most importantly, I wish the color of the (currently purple) box in phase 4 was customizable. For example, making it black would let me quickly check no text is outside...
- More little examples and parentheticals to help the reader check understanding. - Again, \C{compute} -> \C{Compute} since the two are not the same (right?) and it is the latter...
My suggestion: Theorems DER, DT and DEC are easiest to prove in the order DEC -> DT -> DER. You can prove Theorem DEC by induction, very much like you...
In the proofs of Theorem UTMR and Theorem ME, you are using the following fact: Theorem ELISB: Suppose $V$ is a finite-dimensional(!) vector space and $S$ is a linearly independent...
You write that "However, informally, a minor is a determinant of a submatrix, specifically det(A(i|j))". This is not quite true: the submatrix doesn't have to be of the form A(i|j),...
What does "multiplying a row by the scalar $\alpha$ and then adding it to another row" mean in Theorem DRMCA? To me, it sounds like the following two-step procedure: 1)...
Scroll down to Theorem 21 in [https://ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org/html/math/9902004](https://ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org/html/math/9902004). The source code of the big matrix is: ``` $$\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0&0&\dots&0\\ X&X&X&X&\dots&X\\ X^2&2X^2&4X^2&\hphantom{3}8X^2&\dots&2^{m-1}X^2\\ X^3&3X^3&9X^3&27X^3&\dots&3^{m-1}X^3\\ \hdotsfor6\\ X^{n-1}&(n-1)X^{n-1}&(n-1)^2X^{n-1}&\hdotsfor2& (n-1)^{m-1}X^{n-1} \end{pmatrix},$$ ``` The `\hdotsfor6` part should...
See the proof of Lemma 3.2 in [https://ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org/html/2109.02101v1](arXiv:2109.02101v1): The commutative diagram gets cropped as if each object was just a single symbol wide/high, even if it is not. The diagram...
Search for "Summing these equalities over all" in [arXiv:2110.03108v1](https://ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org/html/2110.03108v1) and look at the align environment below. It has two tags: (35) and (36). But the first tag should not be...
This is awkward because it's due to bad LaTeX, but may still be worth fixing. Here is some code from the abstract of [https://ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org/html/2309.05340](https://ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org/html/2309.05340): `\operatorname*{cyc}\nolimits_{\ell}` This is, of course, self-contradictory,...