Darien Chong

Results 3 comments of Darien Chong

https://github.com/llmhyy/evosuite-plus-plus/commits/graph-visualisation I have added some code to store the relevant information to reconstruct the graph visualisation. The proof of concept can be seen by running feature.objectconstruction.testgeneration.testcase.ProjectGapGraphBasedCodeGenerationTest. The images are as...

> https://rpouiller.developpez.com/tutoriels/java/generation-diagrammes-uml-avec-umlgraph/ @snajef maybe we can have a try with this library I took a look at it, it seems the library is more towards generating class or sequence diagrams...

> Open source projects and their build history will continue to run on travis-ci.org at this time. > However, you can be included in the closed beta testing to start...