Daniel Friesen

Results 336 comments of Daniel Friesen

> Also those controller representations in UI... they are just...well..awfull..I've been looking for ways to disable or replace the texture with something else. I think just couple of arrows on...

Figuring out which line is for which transport mode would be a good start

Oh, Ship and SRV get their own separate binding sets. That was unexpected.

I never understood what the freecam buttons did in VR so I didn't add bindings for them.

I haven't done much with fighters so I don't have much of an idea what this would look like. But I could see this potentially being a smart panel.

I have not implemented DSS stuff yet. However unlike the FSS, the DSS is accessed somewhat more from a "while piloting" perspective - so I most likely will just re-use...

These axis are vJoy axis. The overlay pretends to be a physical HOTAS device which you can bind to Elite Dangerous' HOTAS controls. Then you can use your controllers to...

Basically a vJoy device has 9 analog axis (X,Y,Z,Rx,Ry,Rz,Slider0,Slider1,Wheel) that are similar to axis that HOTAS/wheel inputs may use. What exactly they are doesn't actually matter, just that through vJoy...

You don't move the controller through those directions. While you are in the cockpit your controllers are your hands. The overlay provides a set of controls you can grab onto...

If it's bound to primary fire, then it sounds like ED is properly hearing vJoy inputs coming from the overlay. Are you grabbing the joystick while you pull the trigger?