Danny Richardson

Results 6 issues of Danny Richardson

Because `where:` always has a specificity of 0 I am finding the base reset is overwriting the rule for a child, i.e ``` This will have a margin bottom of...

This works: `col-0` but this does not seem to `col-2_xs-0` (for any breakpoint). The CSS that sets `display: block` only checks ```[class*="col-"]:not([class*="grid"]):not([class*="col-0"]) {``` Adding ` !important` to lines 192, 195...

Using Alpine and submitting a form via AJAX I need to add `x-on:submit` to a form attribute. Using `form:create` this is impossible as the `:` is used to separate attributes....

I've recently needed to access the fields in a CP publish form via JS for a couple of addons, there seems to be no way to do this. I've found:...

The docs on Extending Brad https://docs.statamic.com/fieldtypes/bard#extending-bard say "You are free to extend Bard or the underlying Scribe instances by adding your own plugins. You can do this by pushing a...

It would be nice if the SEO add-on's fields could be a sidebar, or included as a partial to have a bit more control over where it is placed -...
