Danny Richardson

Results 19 comments of Danny Richardson

Re: "you can add .not-twin" - my main (maybe sole) use case for child/children is in CMS generated text, so it's not easy at all to add in classes to...

I think I misunderstood `not-twin`, confusing it with a similar usage to `not-child` which I think is applied to the child itself? That's what I meant would be hard to...

Yea for twin, like I said I'd confused the usage (skim reading the docs, sorry!) The issue is for `not-child`, i.e. ``` This has margin This doesn't have margin This...

Did you see Adam tweated about doing the same? It's going to be in core by the sounds of it soon https://twitter.com/adamwathan/status/1523345746421985281

Well, the child: syntax is a lot nicer!

If I get any time myself I will have a play!

I am getting this too - even if the grid is set to i.e. grid-10 or grid 5, it always treats it as a 12 column grid for this a...

Putting a load of ` !important` at the end of the relevant lines in `gridlex-vars.scss` lines 48 - 107 seems to fix this, but could be breaking something else, I...

Hi @devlint I will close this for now as I might have been using it wrongly - my first project with this framework! Thanks for the quick response

@bench-artwork the only place I used it was `col_md-0_sm-0_xs-0` and it seems to work - I find it a bit confusing TBH. Could you paste your non-working example into codepen...