Lîm Tsú-thuàn

Results 63 comments of Lîm Tsú-thuàn

@mewmew https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Ieee128PowerPC I'm just thinking maybe we generate test data to check our implementation. And a reference is https://juliamath.github.io/DoubleFloats.jl/stable/characteristics/ I think we can look into implementation

Yes, that also confuse me once I find out there has a YAML. I think if keep YAML, maybe should ignore JSON, and generate JSON on deployment. After some read,...

And I also found some interesting: there have duplicated `define-syntax`...

Sure, whats your command for yaml to json?

Ok, maybe I also do some research about conversion tool.

@Eugleo I finally find one, I think you might use https://github.com/pedro-w/vscode-tmlanguage This plugin has a command `Convert to tmLanguage JSON` can be triggered via `shift + command + p` in...

1. I want to rebuild YAML file from JSON since the current YAML file is actually invalid. 2. Then merge these branch first for new keywords support(`define-syntax-parser`). 3. And we...

Would you like to mention which online converter? I just find the YAML might be invalid: ```python import yaml with open('src/racket.yaml') as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) print(data) # yaml.scanner.ScannerError:...

To ensure our development range, the followings are fixed versions of the tool and the specification - Tool that coverts `.wat` to `.wasm`: `wasm-tools` [6c127a](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-tools/tree/6c127a6b2913c6be410372bd48c6710022f0c1e4) - the wasm-tools version that...

But since 16 is bumped, I guess release of 15 will be soon?