Whilte scanning of QR code is very fast and solid, the results for Data Matrix scans is unfortunately very unreliable. Some codes work, others not at all, especially with surrounding...
Hi, I am looking for a standalone module. I don't need the complete sms view package, just a simple and effective way to integrate expandable textarea. @pec1985 how can I...
I get following error while trying to use movePrevious() or moveNext(): "Exception occurred at ... Uncaught Error: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views."
Sorry, if this question sounds stupid. But how can I use NappDrawer with Hole Theme? Of course I have defined this theme correctly in tiapp.xml. Without NappDrawer a slider UI...
It seems that with Appcelerator SDK 3.2.0 some functions like navBarTitle, navBar, barButton stops working. Can anyone confirm this and much more important, how can we fix this?
I have compiled this module with SDK 7.x and it works fine with Android 7 and lower. Unfortunately there is a problem with Android 8. The app crashs if it...