Daniel Lau
Daniel Lau
and not just goods/products comtrade also has data on Services https://unstats.un.org/unsd/servicetrade/mr/rfCommoditiesList.aspx ps. awesome work
I am using the linked issue and this PR as a way to upskill into ai safety, as my first contribution Currently draft. PR to come this week Feedback sought:...
follows pull request of readme in [purescript-behaviors](https://github.com/paf31/purescript-behaviors/pull/35)
i want to understand [Behavior and sample and Event](https://youtu.be/N4tSQsKZDQ8?t=13m11s) Is [Mouse position](https://github.com/paf31/purescript-behaviors/blob/master/src/FRP/Behavior/Mouse.purs) a nice place to start? But I don't understand the definition of `position`. For example, what is the...
curl -I localhost:8080/table_name makes "reson s(*& the bed "