Edward Woolhouse
Edward Woolhouse
Given tsconfig.json similar to ``` { "compilerOptions": { "baseUrl": "src", "paths": { "@src/*": ["./*"] } } ``` This works: ``` // src/index.ts import {some_enum} from '@src/some_enum'; import {some_class} from '@src/some_class';...
The actionCreatorVoid helper method has a 'test' method that acts as a type guard, allowing typescript to deduce the type is 'IAction'. Modern versions of typescript use this type information...
… on Windows There is a Path -> URI -> Path roundtrip which was being incorrectly carried out. For Windows file URIs like file:///C:/test calling distUrl.getPath() resulted in /C:/test, which...
The 'hljs' class is now added to all tags, not just the first. resolves #33
Typical highlightjs output has the structure ``` ``` This extension adds the 'hljs' class to the code tags using the wrapCodeRenderer. There's nothing stopping you from having multiple code blocks...
markdown-it is the markdown parser used by Visual Studio Code, so using it grants access to a rich ecosystem of plugins. resolves #313
**Problem:** Marked is a fine markdown parser, but markdown-it is the parser used by Visual Studio Code, so there's a much larger number of plugins available. When authoring markdown using...