Daniel Snider

Results 41 comments of Daniel Snider

Awesome! 👍 I have scheduled time to take a look and help out in 2-3 weeks. I'm sorry for the delay!

I will be watching your fork too 🤩 great stuff!

Hi @bergercookie, I appreciate your efforts to simply this project. Unfortunately, I have realized that I do not have time to test large changes such as this. If you think...

Hey @chugoh, yes there should be a way to manually install. I don't have a way to test this right now, but something like this might work. ``` cd ~/catkin_ws/src...

Hi Nathan, This is a great request. I'm very sorry that I don't have the time to develop it right now 😿. On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 10:33 PM...

The last line in your terminal shows that it follow_waypoints is trying to connect to move_base but it hasn't completed. Is move_base running? Is move_base using the name "move_base" for...

@SeaFu Here's how to set goals. This is taken from the documentation. http://wiki.ros.org/follow_waypoints#Usage > > To set waypoints you can either publish a ROS PoseWithCovarianceStamped message to the /initialpose topic...

@SeaFu Ok, this is close to what you want. Sorry I haven't tested it. You might need to fix this: ``` rostopic pub /initialpose geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped ’{ header : { frame_id...

Hi Youseff! Can you post the full stack trace for the error that you're seeing?