Daniel Shahaf

Results 356 comments of Daniel Shahaf

(Or try zsh-syntax-highlighting's `feature/redrawhook` branch) ~~(See https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting/issues/579, though; tl;dr: there's a known issue, but it has a known fix)~~

> `source ~/.zshrc` doesn't reload your zsh configuration and actually is a way to break your shell in multiple ways, with or without zsh-asug and z-syhl. In order to reload...

Separately, the z-sy-h redrawhook branch was merged this week, so anyone who saw z-asug issues that were related to z-sy-h should update z-sy-h to latest master and see if the...

> > though highlighting would be computed multiple times, which would result in slowness > it can become very slow, because the sourcing time does not increase linearly (it's something...

I should add: I'm the maintainer of z-sy-h, and I'd be happy to make changes on z-sy-h's side to make parts of it more reusable by other projects. Just open...

`_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets` is going away: zsh 5.3 will have two new features that z-sy-h will use in lieu of `_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets`. (With latest zsh master: `autoload -U add-zle-hook-widget && add-zle-hook-widget zle-line-pre-redraw foo`...

Good morning, @guidovansteen. > However, would a simple perl -p -i -e "s/orig-/zssh-/" ./zsh-history-substring-search.zsh be enough to satisfy the above request? It would solve one problem, but leave one other...

I assume that'd solve the widgets issue but not the functions issue.

> The reason I don't want to enable zsh-syntax-highlighting is that it's > performance is too bad. If you paste multiple lines of commands at > once, your terminal would...

I just ran into this with 2.2.1 and was advised (by an anonymous :)) to use msgmerge(1) after poedit. That worked for me: `msgmerge foo.po foo.pot | sponge foo.po` (with...