Daniel Hu

Results 37 issues of Daniel Hu

2019 年中旬小孩的到来打乱了节奏,后面工作之外一直忙于带娃无暇继续更新文章。 近期准备整理下博客网站,重新开始更新源码分析系列,不过方式可能有所变化,不会再从头到尾一行一行分析,而是采用专题的方式来写,比如”pv/pvc 生命周期“、”Pod 的生命周期“、”List-Watch 原理“ …… 也欢迎大家参与进来,或者是将感兴趣的话题贴出来,供大家选择参与分析! #24 #21 #22 #12

I got the error below when install ks cluster by ks-installer: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18692628/115174067-23a23300-a0fb-11eb-99be-e9fc1523402d.png) but after about 10 mins: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18692628/115174134-459bb580-a0fb-11eb-948b-6a52078d2719.png) and at last the ks-apiserver is up: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18692628/115174201-6401b100-a0fb-11eb-8baf-fd9eddb6d865.png)


We need a list to tell everyone how many code repos in the org, what is the purpose of each code base, and then delete redundant code repos, and new...


https://github.com/orgs/kubesphere/teams https://github.com/kubesphere/community


## What Would You Like to Add? Why Is This Needed? Make `GitLab+Harbor+Jenkins` production ready. ## Design ### Harbor - Deploy with `helm`, expose via `Ingress` (with Nginx); - Support...

### What should be changed? A long time ago, we had only one configuration file, in a format that probably looked like below: ```yaml tools: foo: bar ``` So at...

help wanted

### What would you like to add? Why is this needed? See #513 for the details


### What would you like to add? Why is this needed? See #513 for the details


### What would you like to add? Why is this needed? See #513 for the details


### What would you like to add? Why is this needed? See #513 for the details
