Daniel Dodoo
Daniel Dodoo
I want to install kubectl-modify-secret to my Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS @rajatjindal I downloaded the archive file from releases, https://github.com/rajatjindal/kubectl-modify-secret/releases/download/v0.0.43/kubectl-modify-secret_v0.0.43_linux_amd64.tar.gz Extracted tile file and move /usr/local/bin and I have the following...
I am deploying an OpenSearch application on Kubernetes locally I have the following error, "**ImagePullBackOff**", I have tried to troubleshoot the cause to no avail I am following the official...
**CrashLoopBackOff Error** I am deploying an OpenSearch cluster on my local machine, after successfully installing the pods with the helm command I checked the status of my pods with **kubectl...
I have the following errors when I run the command add-user.sh ${SOME_USER_NAME} add-user.sh ${daniel} on my cli Can you kindly assist me? @brendandburns ``` root@c9767cf48d82:/# add-user.sh ${daniel} /usr/bin/cfssl /usr/bin/cfssljson Generating...