Daniel Dodoo

Results 9 comments of Daniel Dodoo

@TheAlgo Sure sure helm version: "v3.9.1" I tried to upload the .yaml files but github doesn't support the extension. I also tried to copy in directly to the text, the...

@TheAlgo , Sorry for the delayed response Helm Chart Version: 2.3.0 ![Screenshot (368)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109669328/180856380-82099bab-c76e-42c4-acb3-0cde80b065cc.png) Kindly find the logs the pods attached: [opensearch-cluster-client-0 logs.txt](https://github.com/opensearch-project/helm-charts/files/9184156/opensearch-cluster-client-0.logs.txt) [opensearch-cluster-master-0 logs.txt](https://github.com/opensearch-project/helm-charts/files/9184157/opensearch-cluster-master-0.logs.txt) [opensearch-cluster-data-0 logs.txt](https://github.com/opensearch-project/helm-charts/files/9184155/opensearch-cluster-data-0.logs.txt)

Hello @TheAlgo How do I view the Helm chart version for OpenSearch Dashboard? I followed your instructions and made changes to the yaml files for master, data and client I...

Hello @TheAlgo , Many thanks The pods are now in the running state, I have 2 errors which I have tried to debug to no avail 1. **OpenSearch Security not...

@TheAlgo Kindly find the logs for master, data and client attached Many thanks, I will definitely review the simpler documentation but I will first like to troubleshoot my errors in...

@TheAlgo "Also do you mind installing charts with the version mentioned in the blog? You can use the flag --version 6.7.4" How do I install --version 6.7.4? When I tried...

@TheAlgo After I run the helm repo update and helm search repo opensearch The latest OpenSearch chart version was **opensearch/opensearch:** 2.3.0 and **opensearch/opensearch-dashboards:** 2.2.4 ![Screenshot (374)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109669328/183366359-5fc55999-5b7c-4b22-befb-0d985fad8e7d.png)

@TheAlgo I run into an error when running the securityadmin.sh from the [Documentation](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/security-plugin/configuration/security-admin/#a-word-of-caution) ./securityadmin.sh -cd ../../../config/opensearch-security/ -icl -nhnv \ -cacert ../../../config/root-ca.pem \ -cert ../../../config/kirk.pem \ -key ../../../config/kirk-key.pem **I receive the...

I am getting an Imagepullbackoff error deploying a kubernetes application on wsl but I have no issues with deploying a different workstation, host or vm? Any idea what could be...