This is still happening in version 1.1.0. I managed to make an example with this bug that occurs when zoom behaviour is added to the svg. You can check it...
Yes! It works like a charm. Thank you very much for your help.
@chriswedgwood I find out in the documentation of twitter that the image should have a ratio of 1:1 (reference https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/cards/overview/summary) ``` Images for this Card support an aspect ratio of...
Reviewing the pull request https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/pull/4753 we decide the following steps for making this feature: 1. Send a JSON with Chamilo colors to the backend ``` { "--color-primary-base": "46 117 163",...
Right now we only have the endpoint `/api/color_themes` where we can upload the colors to override. Taking into account @ywarnier proposition, I think we'll need an endpoint to list all...
I changed in the PR the prime vue component for the standard input color of the browser https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color. The appearance now would depend on the browser used. The new approach...
I've done a little research about uploading files. Checking the documentation https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/upload-images/ we need: 1. A method in the backend that accepts an image via POST and store it in...
I think there is missing information on the endpoint `/api/links`  The description of links and categories is missing. In chamilo 1.11 the description is shown to the user in...
@christianbeeznest I've already created the pull request with the code in the frontend https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/pull/4784, I skiped description for now. Could you wait until the pull request is accepted? After that...
I also added a placeholder button to switch to student's view because this feature was missing. Is this feature only related to frontend, or does have some implication on the...