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WIP - feature #237 - twitter snippet
@chriswedgwood I find out in the documentation of twitter that the image should have a ratio of 1:1 (reference
Images for this Card support an aspect ratio of 1:1 with minimum dimensions of 144x144 or maximum of 4096x4096 pixels.
Images must be less than 5MB in size. The image will be cropped to a square on all platforms.
I've been experimenting on change ´ImageFormatter´ of pygments and the first naive approach to change the size of snippet image generated with a ratio of 1:1. We need to figure out how to make image_pad
so the padding is split between top and bottom (center the code in the image) and ensure minimum size of 144 and maximun size of 4096 is generated:
def twitter_img(request, snippet_id):
snippet = get_object_or_404(Snippet, pk=snippet_id)
response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')
code_lines = snippet.code.splitlines()
response.content = highlight(
TwitterImageFormatter(linenos=True, image_pad=200)
return response
class TwitterImageFormatter(ImageFormatter):
def get_style_defs(self, arg=''):
def _get_image_size(self, maxlinelength, maxlineno):
width, height = super()._get_image_size(maxlinelength, maxlineno)
if width != height:
if width < height:
width += height - width
height += width - height
return width, height
@danigayosog thanks for this , yes this feels like the right way to go 👍
Let me implement this locally and test with and the
Hey guys, I should have a bit time during the week to help but not today. I keep an eye here anyway.