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[C2] Use VUE for link tool
Change from legacy to VUE interface for links tool. Needs first backend adaptation to implement fontend desgin.
Hi @NicoDucou ,
It is added the backend adaptation and a simple frontend for testing the button actions. The frontend requires be adapted with the good components, validations. I let to @daniboygg for checking that part. This is my PR
Hi @christianbeeznest Accepte el PR porque funciona bien y asi @daniboygg puede empezar lo de la interafaz. Te dejo la tarea asignada al mismo tiempo que a Daniel porque hay un problema con lo links si se marca la casilla de poner el link en el homepage del curso, no se guarda la casilla y no aparece en link en el homepage como una herramienta del curso. Te dejo revisar esto mientras Daniel avanza con la interfaz.
Hi @daniboygg Ya esta listo para que puedas avanzar la interfaz.
I think there is missing information on the endpoint /api/links
The description of links and categories is missing. In chamilo 1.11 the description is shown to the user in the interface
@christianbeeznest @NicoDucou could you take a look?
Thank you @daniboygg , I will check. You can set a value harcoded in the vue code to avoid conflict with my next PR . when you finish the interface I can create a new branch with your changes. What do you think.
@christianbeeznest I've already created the pull request with the code in the frontend, I skiped description for now.
Could you wait until the pull request is accepted? After that you can implemente the needed changes and I could take care of introduce the description in the UI. Is this ok for you?
I also added a placeholder button to switch to student's view because this feature was missing.
Is this feature only related to frontend, or does have some implication on the backend @christianbeeznest @NicoDucou ?
I also added a placeholder button to switch to student's view because this feature was missing.
Is this feature only related to frontend, or does have some implication on the backend @christianbeeznest @NicoDucou ? It has implication on the backend and there is a specific task for this here : #4678
HI @christianbeeznest and @daniboygg I've just accepted PR #4784 There is still the issues with description reported by Dani and also the check box "Show link on course homepage" that do not get saved so it is always unchecked, and the link do not appear on the course homepage as a new tool. So I let you check this.
Thank you @NicoDucou , I will check it.
Hi @NicoDucou ,
It is added the option to show link on homepage in this PR , it is added in vue too but it is missing some styles or the correct component, @daniboygg can help us on it.
Thanks for confirmation.
The "Check link" is not implemented yet in the frontend. It is implemented in the backend? I don't know where to look to use this feature. Could you take a look @christianbeeznest ?
Yes @daniboygg , I will check it in backend. thank you.