Daniel García

Results 21 issues of Daniel García

To avoid cluttering the issue tracker with feature requests, please comment any requests here and we'll keep a list. When available, I've linked a related issue or comment to add...

help wanted

Big diff but it's mostly changing `&conn` to `&mut conn` all over the codebase.

When a client uses the PASV command, but doesn't connect to the returned port (because of flaky internet or a faulty FTP implementation), the opened TCP listener gets stuck permanently...

The goal of this change is to protect us more thoroughly against DNS rebinding attacks and redirects in the icons service, previously we did a manual lookup check before doing...

## Type of change ``` - [x] Bug fix - [ ] New feature development - [ ] Tech debt (refactoring, code cleanup, dependency upgrades, etc) - [ ] Build/deploy...


## Type of change ``` - [ ] Bug fix - [ ] New feature development - [x] Tech debt (refactoring, code cleanup, dependency upgrades, etc) - [ ] Build/deploy...


This PR changes all the project's structs and API inputs and outputs from the old `PascalCase` format to the new `camelCase` format. At the moment the clients support both but...

With the latest 1.78 release of Rust, Clippy has introduced a lint warning against the direct implementation of `ToString`, recommending instead to implement `Display`: https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#/to_string_trait_impl This PR changes the uses...

Client: Rust
Enhancement: General

I’ve been testing the use of this library and while it’s been working great so far on Mac, iOS and Android for certificates generated from system-trusted CAs, I’ve found that...