Dan Heberden
Dan Heberden
Adjusted the markup to use a div with ui's css frame work instead of h4/p tags that might get some crazy styling from the page.
Because they are in the "head_commit" portion of the payload and not "commits" :/
Add support for something like `myserver.com:9001/?secret=cantguessme` so that people can't send hand-crafted payloads to a server.
Need to test things like ``` javascript gith({ repo: function( payload ) { return /gith/.test( payload.repo ); } }).on( 'all', function( payload ) { /* do stuff */ }); ```...
Not quite sure how this should look, but some way to log events would be awes
Changed compressed.js to run all the tests for every compressed\* folder in the testData directory to a) simplify the tests and b) make it easier to add more archives to...
See https://github.com/danheberden/yeoman-generator-requirejs/issues/6 for details
This shouldn't rely on jQuery - it should be able to take an array/nodeList of dom elements to look through as well and add itself as a $.fn method if...