Damien Couroussé

Results 10 issues of Damien Couroussé

Let's consider the test file below. Deleting `issue 2` also deletes the comment line ```-- another comment 2```. ``` -- file: test.hs -- another comment 0 -- TODO (assig|#test) -...

hello, I would like the possibility to edit tags using the GUI, i.e. not only to add new ones. How to reproduce: ``` $ mkdir test && cd test $...


This extension is sometimes mentioned as a replacement of the Nostalgy or Nostalgy++ TB add-ons. QuickMove could be a serious alternative if the management of tags was also supported. I...

good first issue

hello, I would like to stream the contents of a file, which contains a limited number of instances of a data structure. I would like then to process the file...


With the test release v4.0.3 just released, (and previous v4.0.* releases) tagging does not work. Moving messages works fine, however. System: Thunderbird v115.3.1-1~deb12u1 on Linux/Debian. How to reproduce: - select...


I had an issue with the deployment of files and directories which names would start with a dot. After a lot of time I stumbled on #841 https://github.com/jaspervdj/hakyll/issues/841#issuecomment-826128233 and could...


Suppose I use the following (buggy) code snippet. ``` match "images/*" $ do route idRoute compile copyFileCompiler create ["images.html"] $ do route idRoute compile $ do photos


`listField` has type signature `String -> Context a -> Compiler [Item a] -> Context b`. If a runtime error is met by the compiler (`Compiler [Item a]`), the error message...

Reading from the source code, I understand that this extension uses the following format for zotero:// links: - with zotero cite keys: `zotero://select/items/` + `key` However, exports from better bibtex...

hello, I am using zotxt-emacs and I am quite happy with it so far. I am experiencing an issue with easykeys, but I see in other issue reports that easykeys...