Hey Steve, somewhat related issue. I moved my cameras from indoor to outdoor, and gave them new names (a while back). The Aarlo integration picked up the camera new names...
> FWIW this container worked instantlly for me, and easily mapped to a user on my server: > > ``` > docker run -d -p 445:445 -e TZ=Europe/Madrid \ >...
Did you ever find the actual files to be uploaded??
Yeah sorry...It is kinda confusing. I looked at the data some more...and saw the "Observation time" attribute. For example, sensor.cc_climat_precipitation_accumulation_1d "observation_time: '2020-07-02'", so my understanding is that "cc_xxx_1d" is forecast...
I am currently dealing with similar issues. My setup was working for a long time without issue whatsoever. At the time I had blanked both "command_topic" and "state_topic", but recently...
Also, you forgot the "brightness_state_topic"... Either brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/Office Lamp/level" or brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/Office Lamp/level/state" depending of the route you decide to take...
(lol, I just realized this was from Oct 2017!!! Hopefully you got it resolved!! :) )
@hoomanb Well, I hope that’s gonna help!! I gotta say that ST is easy and practical, but somewhat limited with automation. I have all my automations written in hass and...
I found this: https://github.com/adamfeldman/hassio-addons Seems to be a more updated version of the bridge. However, I couldn't install it, When I select "Install" it seems to try but then goes...
Ha! You're the guy who participated in the other thread related to the Shield TV and the ERCONN! So...I had the shield, and the update broke it. Bought a...