Dan Webb

Results 68 issues of Dan Webb

## :heavy_plus_sign: Additional context See PR #63 for more details

Feature Request

## General details The accumulator pattern is currently really well hidden in the depths of a [chef/chef](https://github.com/chef/chef/issues/5438) issue. We should document it so users requiring this sort of functionality. -...

Component: Chef Infra Client

## Description `copy_properties_from` isn't yet documented on docs.chef.io but it is documented in the release notes. ## Describe the solution you'd like ## Additional context - [Mentioned on the Chef...

Type: Bug
Status: Untriaged

## General details themes/docs-new/layouts/shortcodes/identity.md The wording for this sentence doesn't make a lot of sense for someone new to the product. ## Product - [ ] Chef Automate - [...

Type: Bug
Status: Untriaged

## General details Kitchen provisioner does not document the `always_update_cookbook` flag that is required for developing with Test Kitchen and Policyfiles. ## Product - [x] Workstation ## Update Required https://docs.chef.io/workstation/config_yml_kitchen/#provisioner-settings...

Type: Bug
Component: Chef Workstation

Hi there 👋🏼 we've been using your RStudio images as the base images for ours for a while. We were wondering if there are any paid support options available for...

"Cloning resource attributes for template[/etc/mongodb.conf] from prior resource\nPrevious template[/etc/mongodb.conf]: /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/install.rb:16:in `from_file'\nCurrent template[/etc/mongodb.conf]: /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/mongodb/definitions/mongodb.rb:135:in `block in from_file' (CHEF-3694)/tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/mongodb/definitions/mongodb.rb:135:in `block in from_file'.\nPlease see https://docs.chef.io/deprecations_resource_cloning.html for further details and information on how to...