David Luu

Results 59 issues of David Luu

I came across this from https://github.com/tsenart/vegeta, which at the moment follows the default tolerance values and known quantiles presented in the example docs https://godoc.org/github.com/streadway/quantile#example-Estimator. Curious to how the typical/default tolerance...

More of a discussion topic and request here. I don't think this project currently mentions any statistics or information regardling kafka load generation with gatling so far. Kafka is a...

Based on recent issues using this server, issue #8 and #9, look into packaging the AutoItDriverServer in a simple installer (e.g Windows MSI installer file or `pip install autoitdriverserver`) so...

Performing a sendKeys operation with local file detector enabled like: ((RemoteWebDriver) autoitDriver).setFileDetector(new LocalFileDetector()); autoitDriver.findElement(By.className("Edit1")).sendKeys("C:\Users\dluu\Pictures\birdoparac.jpg"); throws exception: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: class 'zipfile.BadZipfile' Command duration or timeout: 31 milliseconds Build info: version: '2.41.0', revision:...

Currently, seems notepad demo will visibly only work if you have notepad open before running the demo. No issues with calculator demo. Yet both demos launch the application the same...

Opera is based on Chrome now, so most Chrome extensions run as is on Opera. You can test and see if any tweaks need to be made, likely none. So...

help wanted

Just logging here for tracking and information purposes. I'll give it a shot on making the update changes when I have time, or someone can try if they're up for...

Not that it's critical, but would be helpful to users if you added an example of storm logging for the bolt example. e.g. for the BasicBolt example: `self.log("a message",self);` I...

Now that Opera 15 is using Chromium, this extension should work with Opera. One can install on Opera from Chrome Web Store using "Download Chrome Extension" addon for Opera. But...

Can someone confirm. I'll check more when I have time. I'm doing some debugging involving session ID cookie being received from server. I see it when making a REST HTTP...