David Luu

Results 59 issues of David Luu

FYI, when one makes an API call without setting the content type header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded the response is a failure with message **_Invalid phone number.**_ I found this out twice,...

Since the API/server is made public, I was just thinking it would be nice to be like those APIs that have authentication in order to use them, via API tokens...

FYI, I [blog posted about this repo](https://autumnator.wordpress.com/2018/02/24/awesome-stuff-selenium-robotframework-test-automation-etc) among others like awesome selenium, test automation frameworks, etc. and from that I received this reply from Pekka Klärck: > Great stuff! If...

Not an issue/bug, but perhaps a discussion & enhancement request (for examples). Can Appium for Mac handle much in terms of manipulating Safari browser? I see the current example for...

This question is targeted to the MRI version, although it can be asked of JRuby as well. Is it currently possible? From a brief look at the sample code in...


Submitting this on behalf of novice RF users who don't know how to manually install Python and Jython test libraries and who don't know how to look at files and...

Just wanted to clarify that this is different from the official Microsoft WinAppDriver? https://github.com/Microsoft/WinAppDriver

This is just a note that one can use Selenium WebDriver API to use/control autopy (remotely as well) without having to use native python API of autopy. It's not a...

Looking over current docs: **Issue/Item 1:** **mouse.toggle(down, button=LEFT_BUTTON)** Holds down or releases the given mouse button in the current position. button can be LEFT_BUTTON, RIGHT_BUTTON, or CENTER_BUTTON. If no button...

bmp.to_string() and bitmap.Bitmap.from_string(string) http://www.autopy.org/documentation/api-reference/bitmap.html https://github.com/msanders/autopy/#readme The current documentation/tutorial doesn't make it clear to me. I had assumed the string is base 64. But trying out this tool/library and comparing to...