Dana Dahlstrom
Dana Dahlstrom
Perhaps @yuriy-solodkyy can elaborate further; from what he's written I gather this is intended to make tests more reliable. > […] we have a rule that we cannot replace one...
Let's remake the commit by opening the intellij-community project in IDEA instead of copy-pasting from the Android Studio project in a text editor.
> Let's remake the commit by opening the intellij-community project in IDEA instead of copy-pasting from the Android Studio project in a text editor. It looks like this isn't done....
> It was done by opening intellij-community project in IDEA. It doesn't look like it. I tried this with IDEA 2019.2.4 and got different results—I'm all but certain commit 324dfc5...
Yes, commit 03922a7 matches what I saw with both 2019.2.3 and 2019.2.4. Thanks!
This still strikes me as a definite improvement. Shall we merge it?