Daniel Fugere
Daniel Fugere
Thanks @nacho-carnicero, I had to make a small change to your code for it work with RN 0.61, but now it works great! Here is my `resolver` function in case...
This [issue](https://github.com/oblador/react-native-keychain/issues/243) seems to be related, but it doesn't look like it was ever addressed by the devs.
Thanks @sgal ! That's good to know! Are you guys still planning on adding it as an option for Android 11 devices?
Sorry you experienced this issue after buying your account. It sounds like the enclave didn't import the key properly for some reason. Have you been able to import any other...
Also, if you could tell us your device model, that would also help debug this. Thanks!
Starting with API level 30, you need to explicitly add the packages that you want to query in your AndroidManifest file: https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/package-visibility-in-android-11-cc857f221cd9