Code Vampire

Results 59 comments of Code Vampire

@getcontrol just use mine, it actually works:

Do you have the hardware parts list + instructions/schematics?

@Wovchena, error: ZIP entry not valid: res_1.txt, how do I fix? ``` python3 --images-folder test/ --output-folder result/ --checkpoint && zip -jmq runs/ result/* && python2 -s=runs/

@Wovchena friendly bump ^

I am having same issue; would like to know how to fix plz. Do I need to edit my etc/hosts file? When I click activate I get this in my...

Also not sure if this matters, but on initial log in, there is no default connection: ![Screenshot from 2020-03-19 19-47-08](

> @joehoeller are both Kong and Konga running in a docker container on your local host? Yes on Docker compose to common network. I have the most recent version of...

I’m still having this problem. Not solved as of today.

> @ are both Kong and Konga running in a docker container on your local host? yes, in docker compose

the image im pulling is ```pantsel/konga:next```, is thet the correct one?