Code Vampire

Results 59 comments of Code Vampire

@glenn-jocher I guess no one had a working script that would automate COCO JSON -> Darknet. I made one :) let me know when I’m added to repo and I’ll...

> @joehoeller can you show me your script that convert the JSON to Darknet? It may have some bugs, so let me know, and I'll fix. Its basically a version...

> @joehoeller may try this script: [AlexeyAB/darknet#3772 (comment)]( > > Yeah I can add you on. I forgot how to do that! Let me check. not added yet

How and where do you fix this? I added: ``` network = Network() network.cuda() ``` And it says the error is on: ``` 19 # (2) 1st hidden conv layer...

@Dicko87 yes check my solutions/examples here, you’ll have to do it in various parts of the code: 1. **See blocks [3], [9], [12], [14]**, _in following order:_ ``` device...

Yes I’ll make a video. Give me some time, bogged down here at work. #DeveloperLife 🙄 Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 27, 2020, at 4:03 AM, Oskar Hane...

@peterpribeli do you have a gittub repo we can look at, beacuse i cannot reproduce(?) http { } errors out ans says it cant be there as well.

I am not sure how @neo4j expects anyone to test their stuff out before buying if you canbt serve it. They need a working nginx file for ppl to use,...

Just use my container & be done w the headaches. On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 8:17 AM ramagudepu wrote: > I was able to get this working with...

That’s not the issue. You can change the port on the docker file and expose a diff one. Or do: docker ps -a Get the name of other container on...