
Results 163 comments of daboross

Looks like Pop-Shell shortcuts only get added to GNOME Settings if the extension is installed globally, or perhaps it's just broken on Ubuntu but working on Fedora. On my Fedora...

@xxKeefer Any chance you have Super+d assigned to anything else in Gnome keyboard settings? That's broken it for me setting a few other settings manually before, since setting it manually...

> Thanks for the reply my guy 👍🏻 you'll have to forgive me, i am still a novice really when it comes to Linux. i am trying that command in...

@TerraX-net at the moment, native TLS is a more secure solution than Rust ring/rustls due to rustls not having any security audits performed on it. When it reaches more maturity,...

I'm not currently working on this project. If you're interested (or if anyone else is) in using this, I could definitely provide pointers or see how hard it would be...

The copying `target/doc/` to `doc/` is unrelated, this is `http://www.rust-ci.org/artifacts/put?t=$RUSTCI_TOKEN` returning `Server Error (500)` - travis isn't getting the build script.

It would also be quite helpful to have this feature parsing Cargo.toml's `[lib]` section for paths other than just `src/lib.rs`.

Another test case with slightly different error message: When `parentmod/__init__.py` is written as: ```python from . import childmod afunc = childmod.afunc ``` Transcrypt fails with: ``` Transcrypt (TM) Python to...

There's an example of this here: https://github.com/daboross/fern/blob/1cb6e15a1d538dbf3a5c2d07441715818468dbdc/examples/pretty-colored.rs#L62

> Needless to say, I'm unsatisfied with my new approach. However, I see multiple alternatives going forward from here: > > * Remove the logging specific max_level (and thus, `LogExt`)....