Daniel Li

Results 16 issues of Daniel Li

We need to write unit tests using TinyTest, and also possibly migrating it into Velocity when the support for it rolls out. Contributors are most welcomed.

help wanted

We need to write integration tests for the test application to ensure the package functions correct. This will be done using Mocha on Velocity. Contributors are most welcomed.

When I open PyCharm Profession 2017.3 with a Markdown file already opened in the workspace, when I try to close the Markdown file, it hangs the entire IDE. In the...

It would be apt to include in the documentation the difference between this project (Terracognita) and its alternatives - [Terraforming](https://github.com/dtan4/terraforming) and [Terraformer](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/terraformer). It would be great if you can expand...

Type: Docs

There are three options you can specify with lethargy, but I find the defaults works fine. If you think the defaults does not work well for you, please post here...


Create methods that allow other scripts to enable or disable certain features programmatically.


From [Reddit](http://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/34p17r/its_not_ok_to_change_scroll_dynamics_the_same_way/cqx1m6s). > Using Chrome with smooth scrolling on OSX (I think the windows version doesn't have smooth scrolling), scrolling along the top of the page - the part without...