Daniel Li

Results 36 comments of Daniel Li

I haven't really looked at Orion, but what can I do to help?

:+1: I am working on other things but if there's something specific you need from me to make it work, feel free to comment here. And good luck! (:

Hi @renarsvilnis thank you very much for sharing your experience. I am not sure I understand you 100%, so I'll provide multiple responses, let me know if I hit the...

@jwmann How lethargy works should be independent the operating system (OS), however, most macOS users use Apple products (like the Magic Mouse and Trackpads) and they have a different 'profile'...

Hi @petermakowski I would definitely appreciate it if you can port it to ES6. The only reason I used CoffeeScript was because it supported classes when ES6 was not so...

Hey @petermakowski I see you've ported the code using decaffeinate. Do you mind if I carry on with it and refactor it some more? I got a few people who...

We've made a few changes, I'll clean it up a little and push it on Monday.

There were some changes I wanted to make to the code, such as making the defaults available as a static property of the class. I'll make those changes over the...

Hi @lilsizzo Unforunately I won't have the time to work on it any time soon. What I'd suggest is tinkering with the options (stability, sensitivity, tolerance) because the defaults are...

I have only tested it with the `mousewheel`, `DOMMouseScroll`, `wheel`, and `MozMousePixelScroll` events, I haven't done any testing with touch devices and their events. I would love to test it...