David Diaz
David Diaz
I'm able to read a zipped GeoTiff on a publicly-accessible FTP server like this: ``` URL = 'ftp://islay.ceoas.oregonstate.edu/cms/v2/biomassfiaald/median/biomassfiaald_2018_median.zip with rasterio.open('/vsizip/vsicurl/' + URL) as src: profile = src.profile profile >> {'driver':...
Seems like a good lead, but would that explain why this fails using a Docker build but but not with the conda buildpack that included a start file? If you...
``` Current conda install: platform : win-64 conda version : 4.3.4 conda is private : False conda-env version : 4.3.4 conda-build version : 2.0.2 python version : 2.7.12.final.0 requests version...
In case it's helpful, I was able to successfully install r-essentials using these same commands on my Mac this morning.
In terms of adopting a wrapper, I was struggling to figure out how to translate Wikipedia’s version of parameters for asymmetric Laplace to or from the parameters commonly used and...
Alternatively, I could extend the Pyro version of the ALD class to except either the Pyro/Wikipedia or quantile parameterization… such as ``` def __init__(self, loc=0, scale=1, asymmetry=None, quantile=None): … ```
In case it's relevant, I've now added the alternative parameterization to [the Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetric_Laplace_distribution).
I think it seems most sensible to implement an AsymmetricLaplace class following the Scipy and Pyro and Wikipedia pattern and a distinct AsymmetricLaplaceQuantile class following the Bayesian quantile regression pattern....
FYI, good post with examples of using a horseshoe prior for spike and slab in numpyro here: https://james-brennan.github.io/posts/horseshoe/ Also nice that the author compares horseshoe with Bayesian Ridge and Lasso...
@stefanv, you might be able to use the [`rasterio.features` module](https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/rasterio.features.html). It's designed for geospatially-referenced images, which may not be included with your data, but you could probably inspect the source...