#8 I see the same problem here. But how d he solve it ??
不知道这是出了什么问题 detections是不是最近更新然后from_inference改名了?我google都没有找到from_inference改名成啥了。请帮助,谢谢
really no one can solve this? its really frustrating here it is
this is really bothering, it even shows up when i use lcm lora, i dont know what to do. please help!
i updated comfyui today, but it is NOT WORKING. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
我按照你这个做了,然后出现了以下错误: 不好意思我是个小白。。。不太搞得懂到底是什么问题,要怎么解决。可以帮我吗?谢谢!!
i am using cuda 12.3 and it gave the same error. should i go back to 12.1? i thought it is backward compatible. how did you solve it!