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Video analytics web platform
If the user does not enter required attributes in the save dialog, the user gets a generic error message with no indication of what went wrong. I suggest adding _required_...
**Category** Feature Request **Problem** Current `Last visited` bookmark is only set at initialization in the annotator page. This may not be useful to users who wish to know which frame...
In other instances the file for the favicon is properly found at /favicon.ico but for cloud.tator it is a 404, and additionally it seems it is not included in the...
In project detail view, filtering by localization width > 0.3 results in the following backend response: ``` { "message": "Cannot resolve keyword 'width' into field. Choices are: attributes, color, created_by,...
This causes visual anomalies in the canvas coordinate calculations.
**Category** Bugfix **Problem** While drawing localizations, users can click on areas outside of the canvas, which will yield an invalid point when posting/patching a localization. **Request** Ideally the drawing tools...
The changelog was constructed in a world before metadata was thought to benefit from an SCM-based approach. With mark-based versioning applying a change log to metadata is superfluous. However, the...
When fetching millions of records in a single rest request, its possible the request ends up resulting in a 502 timeout. It would be more elegant and proper to return...
Piggy backing off of https://github.com/cvisionai/tator/issues/1567 -- extend this to compare versions themselves. This should allow someone to see the top-level differences between version A and version B. There are a...
Be able to visualize all the marks and all the versions of an object in a "tree". Suggested to utilize a canvas element as the information could be dense and...