Results 59 comments of Dannii Willis

That will not help. I don't want to ignore a file, I want to ignore functions with the "use asm" pragma, as UglifyJS does.

Hi Paul, thanks for replying. I'm working on a mobile Interactive Fiction interpreter, but it's essentially just a mobile console. The code it's running is somewhat width aware, but did...

Zarf's phrase "terp-managed save" is what we more frequently call autosaves, and that's not as directly in scope here. (I was intending for autosaves to be device specific, but it...

So I've just realised that if we can patch all the interpreters to only access files via the Glk or glkunix APIs (like `glkunix_stream_open_pathname_gen`), then we won't need to wait...

A progress indicator has been added! 🎉 But see this topic for some pushback on the idea of a play button:

The autosaves should not just store versions, but also which library produced each. I don't have autosaves working in Emglken yet but I would like to. So I'm thinking now...

This could also be used for when a storyfile has been updated and no longer matches a savefile. Parchment should ask the player if they want to use the cached...

Okay, here's what I ended up with. It's not the worst, but a helper function would still be appreciated: ``` let mut normalised_date = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(year, 1, 1).unwrap(); let months =...

I'm porting a library from C to Rust which basically wraps timegm. I have to normalise the dates or I don't pass the unit tests. Rejecting invalid dates like the...